Avec la rentrée voici le retour des annonces culturelles à commencer par les jeux vidéo avec plein d'annonces GAMESCOM 2019 ! 

Battlefleet Gothic : Armada 2 – Jouez gratuitement sur Steam jusqu'au 26 Août !

L’Empereur recherche de nouveaux amiraux ! Le STR spatial dans l’univers de Warhammer 40,000 par Tindalos Interactive et Focus Home Interactive est jouable gratuitement dès maintenant sur Steam dans sa version de base, jusqu’au 26 Août prochain à 19 heures.

En plus de ce week-end gratuit, les nouveaux joueurs pourront profiter de 40% de réduction sur leur achat du jeu de base, et 15% sur l’achat de la Chaos Campaign Expansion. Choisissez votre faction, embarquez et partez conquérir la galaxie !

Les sorties récentes de la Campaign Update et de l’extension Chaos Campaign ont déjà enrichi le contenu déjà vaste de Battlefield Gothic : Armada 2 avec des objectifs secondaires sur chaque champ de bataille, des améliorations dans la gestion de flottes, des capacités ultimes pour l’IA et des options de campagnes permettant à chacun de personnaliser son expérience.

Il n’y a jamais eu de meilleur moment pour se plonger dans l’univers en plein chaos de Battlefleet Gothic : Armada 2 qu’avec ce Weekend Gratuit sur Steam.

Battlefleet Gothic : Armada 2 est actuellement téléchargeable et jouable gratuitement sur Steam jusqu’au 26 Août. Profitez également 40% de réduction sur le jeu de base et 15% sur son extension.

Développeur : Tindalos Interactive

Éditeur : Focus Home Interactive

Plateformes : PC

Genre : STR

Date de sortie : 24/01/2019 

[GAMESCOM 2019] SnowRunner : la suite de MudRunner enfin dévoilée avec les premières images de gameplay ! 

SnowRunner, la suite tant attendue du hit MudRunner développée par Saber Interactive et éditée par Focus Home Interactive, a enfin été dévoilée aux journalistes aujourd'hui à la Gamescom. Jusqu'à présent annoncé sous le nom MudRunner 2, SnowRunner est l'expérience off-road ultime - plus vaste, plus ambitieuse, avec un nouveau moteur graphique, un moteur physique hors du commun, des environnements de jeu immenses, des véhicules tout-terrain surpuissants, et l'introduction des terrains enneigés. 

Découvrez un premier aperçu de l'impressionnante expérience off-road de SnowRunner dans son Reveal Trailer. 

SnowRunner vous place au volant de nombreux véhicules tout-terrain massifs et surpuissants de marques reconnues telles que Pacific, Navistar et bien d'autres, dans des environnements ouverts en conditions extrêmes. Explorez plus de 15 nouveaux environnements de jeu sandbox jusqu'à 4 fois plus grands que ceux de MudRunner, faites face à des dangers extrêmes - bancs de neige, verglas, rivières déchaînées, terrains boueux impraticables - et amenez votre cargaison à destination aussi vite que possible ! Affrontez les éléments seul, ou en ligne avec des amis dans le mode multijoueur coopératif à 4. 

SnowRunner sortira en 2020 sur PlayStation®4, Xbox One, et sur PC via l'Epic Games Store. 

Développeur : Saber Interactive

Éditeur : Focus Home Interactive

Plateformes : PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One

Genre : Simulation

Date de sortie : 2020 

[GAMESCOM 2019] Farming Simulator 19 Platinum : les véhicules et outils CLAAS sur le devant de la scène dans Gamescom Trailer ! 

Farming Simulator 19 Platinum Edition, l’expérience Farming Simulator ultime, sortira le 22 octobre prochain. L'Édition Platinum ajoute plus de 35 nouveaux véhicules et outils de la marque CLAAS au garage de Farming Simulator 19. Découvrez un aperçu de ces nouveautés dans le Gamescom Gameplay Trailer dévoilé aujourd’hui.

L'Édition Platinum sera disponible en standalone incluant le jeu de base Farming Simulator 19, ainsi que sous forme d'extension pour les possesseurs du jeu. Les véhicules et outils CLAAS, comprenant le LEXION 8900, le JAGUAR 960 TT, et le XERION 5000, se joindront aux grands noms de l’industrie déjà présents dans Farming Simulator 19 - John Deere, Case IH, New Holland, Challenger, Fendt, Massey Ferguson, Valtra, et bien plus encore. Cette nouvelle sélection permettra aux joueurs d'étendre leurs activités de récoltes fourragères et de création de balles.

L'Édition Platinum propose la plus grande variété de véhicules jamais vue dans un jeu Farming Simulator. Plus de 380 engins agricoles authentiques pour de développer se ferme avec un large choix de cultures et d’animaux à élever. Montez vos chevaux et explorez, seul ou en ligne avec d’autres joueurs, deux vastes environnements américain et européen remplis d'activités agricoles variées. Téléchargez sur Consoles et PC les mods créés par la communauté pour enrichir à l'infini l'expérience Farming Simulator !

Pour célébrer le début de la Gamescom, L'Édition Platinum sera jouable pour la première fois sur le stand Farming Simulator. Le deuxième tournoi Farming Simulator League y aura également lieu. Est-ce que l'équipe Trelleborg remportera de nouveau la victoire comme lors du premier tournoi à la FarmCon ? Suivez le tournoi en Anglais sur Twitch et Mixer, en Allemand sur la chaine YouTube Farming Simulator.

Farming Simulator 19 Edition Platinum et Extension Platinum sortiront le 22 Octobre. L’Edition Platinum sera disponible sur PC, PlayStation 4 et Xbox One en digital et en magasin. L’Extension Platinum sera disponible sur toutes les plateformes en digital, et en version boite pour PC. Les deux versions digitales sont compatibles Mac. Précommandez maintenant !

Développeur : GIANTS Software

Éditeur : Focus Home Interactive

Plateformes : PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC/Mac

Genre : Simulation

Date de sortie : 22/10/2019 

[GAMESCOM 2019] Préparez-vous à The Surge 2 avec le Gameplay Overview Trailer – plus qu'un mois avant la sortie ! 

Les combats sans pitié de The Surge 2 feront leur retour le 24 septembre prochain sur PlayStation 4, Xbox One et PC ! A tout juste un mois de sa sortie, l’Action-RPG de Deck13 et Focus Home Interactive célèbre l’ouverture de la Gamescom avec une nouvelle vidéo. Des nouvelles mécaniques de gameplay aux techniques de combats avancées, le Gameplay Overview Trailer fait le point sur tout ce qu’il faut savoir pour affronter le chaos qui règne à Jericho City.

Après des années de développement, les équipes de Deck13 sont fières de pouvoir enfin dévoiler une formule enrichie de leur Action-RPG que chacun pourra apprécier. The Surge 2 est pensé pour vous permettre d’adopter le style de combat qui vous ressemble, que vous soyez prudents ou carrément rentre-dedans. Quelle tactique adopter ? Quelle pièce d’équipement récupérer ? Quelles fonctions de votre exosquelette améliorer ? Que vous souhaitiez un simple indicateur pour vos parades directionnelles ou préfériez compter sur un exosquelette optimisé jusqu’au dernier implant, The Surge 2 vous laisse jouer les mains libres.

Précommandez dès maintenant chez les revendeurs participants pour recevoir gratuitement l’URBN Gear Pack, qui inclut un set d’armure, deux armes exclusives, un drone, un implant et un graffiti spécial pour le jeu en ligne.

The Surge 2 sera disponible sur PlayStation 4, Xbox One, et PC le 24 Septembre 2019. Précommandez-le dès maintenant sur la boutique officielle pour profiter de bonus exclusifs.

Développeur : Deck 13

Éditeur : Focus Home Interactive

Plateformes : PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC

Genre : Action/RPG

Date de sortie : 24/09/2019 

[GAMESCOM 2019] GreedFall dévoile l'importance de vos compagnons dans une nouvelle vidéo 

Forgez votre destinée dans GreedFall, le 10 Septembre prochain sur PlayStation 4, Xbox One et PC ! L’île de Teer Fradee regorge de secrets et de dangers… Mieux vaut ne pas s’aventurer seul dans ces contrées hostiles. Le Companions Trailer met aujourd’hui l’accent sur l’importance cruciale de vos compagnons ; de leurs aptitudes, personnalités, histoires, et des relations que vous nouerez avec eux.

Dans GreedFall, vous incarnez avant tout un diplomate. Ce qui détermine votre personnage sont vos prises de positions et le groupe avec lequel vous avez choisi de partir à l’aventure. Pesez chacune de vos décisions, car vos compagnons sont tous issus des différentes factions et guildes qui composent Teer Fradee. Attentifs à chacune de vos actions, ils peuvent s’opposer à certains de vos choix.

Chaque compagnon a sa propre histoire. Apprenez à les connaitre ; certains vous rejoindront par loyauté, d’autres par opportunisme, ou suite à un concours de circonstances. Négliger les attentes de vos compagnons les poussera à quitter le groupe, ou à vous affronter s’ils s’opposent ouvertement à vos décisions. Aider vos compagnons renforcera vos liens avec eux, forgeant ainsi des amitiés ou des relations amoureuses.

Choisissez judicieusement les deux compagnons qui vous accompagnent, chacun d’entre eux dispose de compétences uniques. Vos choix façonneront le monde qui vous entoure, ainsi que la vie de ceux qui y vivent.

GreedFall sortira le 10 septembre 2019 sur PlayStation 4, Xbox One et PC. Les précommandes sont désormais disponibles pour toutes les plateformes. Pour plus d’informations, visitez http://greedfall.com/shop

Développeur : Spiders

Éditeur : Focus Home Interactive

Plateformes : PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4

Genre : RPG

Date de sortie : 10 septembre 2019 

Et les annonces en anglais ! 

Conan Chop Chop release moved to Q1 2020 to include online multiplayer
Developers will use extra time to add highly requested feature. New release date is set for Q1 2020.

Publisher Funcom and developer Mighty Kingdom announced today that the release of Conan Chop Chop, the action-adventure roguelike that was teased on April 1st and revealed at E3 this year, will be moved to Q1 2020. Following a very successful first demo of the game to press this summer, the companies have decided to increase their investment in the project to deliver a bigger and better game. Among the features to be implemented in the upcoming action-adventure roguelike is online multiplayer.

“We had an absolute blast showcasing the game at E3 and Gamescom earlier this year. It was especially gratifying to see how much fun people had playing the game in co-op mode. The teamwork, the banter, the way people moved ever so sneakily towards their near-death companions in order to pick up their gold when they fall… We couldn’t have been happier with the reception,” says founder and CEO of Mighty Kingdom Philip Mayes.

“One of the things we get to do with the extra time is expand multiplayer from just couch co-op to also include full online multiplayer,“ says Mayes. “This has undoubtedly been THE most requested feature after we started showing off the game, so we’re very excited for the opportunity to bring that in.”

Conan Chop Chop is due to release in the first quarter of 2020 on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. For more information, visit www.conanchopchop.com.

Join an Epic Family of Heroes as Children of Morta Reveals its Release Date and a New Trailer

Publisher 11 bit studios and developer Dead Mage are thrilled to announce the highly-anticipated roguelike RPG, Children of Morta will be arriving on PC this September 3, 2019. The Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 versions of the game will launch on October 15, 2019. To celebrate the launch date announcement, you can check out the all-new trailer below.

Corruption has spread, morphing the once peaceful Mount Morta into a violent and monster-infested nightmare. Will you be able to sacrifice everything to save the ones you care for? Children of Morta is a story-driven action RPG about a valiant family standing together while the world around them is devoured in darkness. Lead the Bergsons, with all their flaws and virtues, and experience what it means to be in a family of heroes.

Children of Morta copes with themes closer to our daily lives than one would expect. It is a story of the simple emotions we all know so well — and value more than sometimes we dare to admit — love and hope, longing and uncertainty, ultimately loss and the sacrifices we are willing to make to save the ones we care the most for.

Children of Morta will be available digitally on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PC at 21.99 USD/EUR. The boxed editions from Merge Games will be released on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PC (in Europe and Australia) alongside the digital releases.

More about the game:


About Children of Morta

The Bergson family has guarded Mount Morta for generations but now face their most dangerous trial. Corruption has spread, morphing the once peaceful mountain into a violent and monster-infested nightmare. Take part in their journey and experience what it means to be in a family of heroes.
An emotional roguelike with gorgeous pixel-art, Children of Morta combines a powerful narrative of familial ties with intense hack-and-slash gameplay in an ever-changing world. Choose the best character for your playstyle, craft new items for your adventure, and fight to find out what is the real source of evil.

Fur real! Furry adventure game, Winds of Change, is available NOW on Steam!

Whether you’re looking for an epic tale to fall into or some epic tail to fall into the arms of, you’re in luck! Winds of Change is an unabashedly furry blend of visual novel and point-and-click adventure games, and it’s out NOW on Steam! Following a successful Kickstarter campaign in 2017 and open-arms reception during its time in Steam Early Access, it’s time to introduce you to the dark fantasy world of Alestia.

To quote Steam, “100% of the 106 user reviews for this game are positive”

Created with love by the furry community in part as a means of helping to dispel negative stigmas attached to it
Despite coming from a super small dev team, it's a MASSIVE project with over 270,000 words, 26,000 lines, nearly 15 hours of voice-over audio, and over 35 voice actors
Blends the best parts of visual novel and point-and-click adventures with a dash of RPG offering up an open-world structure, non-linear narrative, and more side quests than you can shake a broadsword at
Stellar voice talent from the likes of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Persona 5, One Punch Man, Mob Psycho 100, and Danganronpa
Play the entire first act for free by downloading Winds of Change - The Opening Act - your progress even carries into the full game


Winds of Change is available now on Steam (Windows, Mac, Linux). For the latest updates on all things Winds of Change, follow the game on Twitter and Discord, and check it out on Steam.

About Winds of Change

Lead The Rebellion, build your army, and shape the world with your choices. A story-heavy adventure game with multiple endings, romance options, and non-linear storytelling. A vast dark fantasy world waiting to be explored. Inspired by Dragon Age, and Mass Effect. Fully voice acted by a stellar cast!


Introducing Modern Wolf, An Indie Game Publisher Committed to Ethical Game Development

Making a statement as the newest publisher on the block, Modern Wolf is excited to not only unveil its debut roster of five incredibly talented indie developers and their upcoming titles, but also establish its commitment to ethical game development practices. From zero tolerance on crunch, to an acute sensitivity to mental health wellbeing, this means taking an active role in holding itself and its development partners to the highest standards possible.

As a publisher, Modern Wolf seeks to offer the very best in strategy and strategy-adjacent indie games. Whether it’s tactics and sim titles, or a platformer that requires strategic thinking thanks to more… unconventional movement mechanics, Modern Wolf prides itself on establishing long-term partnerships with incredibly talented indie developers, from countries that are largely underrepresented in this industry like Indonesia. But who’s part of this talented roster of development partners? What are they working on? Scroll down for your first look:

Necronator: Dead Wrong | Toge Productions

Deck-building meets lane defense from the creators of Infectonator 3: Apocalypse.

Release: Early Access Q4 2019

Platforms: PC, console, mobile

Ostranauts | Blue Bottle Games

A starship captain sim in a gritty blue-collar sci-fi solar system, from the makers of NEO Scavenger.

Release: Early Access soon

Platforms: PC

Skeleton Crew | Cinder Cone

Pinball-like and physics-based dungeon brawler from the creative director of Smoke & Sacrifice.

Release: Autumn 2020

Platforms: PC, console

Out There: Oceans of Time | Mi-Clos Studio

Space exploration adventure on an epic scale, from the creators of Out There: Ω Edition and Sigma Theory.

Release: Winter 2020

Platforms: PC


Rogue State Revolution | LRDG

The first geo-political roguelike: you’re the democratically elected president of a Middle Eastern republic, but how long can you stay in power?

Release: 2021

Platforms: PC

Recently founded with funding from Supernova Capital LLP—a private equity firm founded by Splash Damage’s Paul Wedgwood—this marks the first steps in Modern Wolf’s bold vision of an industry that’s more conducive to healthy creation. From its stellar roster of development partners and their unique takes on the strategy genre, to its no-nonsense approach to employee wellbeing, Modern Wolf seeks to make game development easier for its partners, and that means starting with the people.

For more information about Modern Wolf, visit their official website and follow the team on Twitter and Instagram. Look out for more information about their ever-growing roster of talented developers soon!

First Gameplay Trailer for Dark Envoy Released Ahead of Gamescom 2019

Building off the positive response to the announcement of Event Horizon's upcoming title Dark Envoy, the developers have released a new trailer showing a taste of what gameplay awaits Gamescom attendees this week. A non-linear RPG, Dark Envoy offers free world exploration with an emphasis on tactical combat layered with lore and strategy.

Explore the world using a Skyship as your base of operations. Seek mythical locations, and procedurally generated dungeons with optional tactical objectives. Choose wisely where to travel however, as the world map adjusts with the passing of in-game time. Locations will randomly respawn, becoming progressively more challenging for you and your party. 

Wishlist on Steam here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/945770/Dark_Envoy/


Non-linear RPG with turn-based combat accompanied by a real-time pre-combat phase where tactics and party power are equally important.
Player choices impact the world: it can be destroyed or saved, and the stories that unfold will lead to multiple endings reflecting the characters’ personalities and decisions. 
Co-written by Michael Chatfield, an Amazon Top 100 Science Fiction / Fantasy writer.
15 unique character classes to discover - with the ability to mix skill trees - including some rare classes which can only be found in remote locations or through chained quests.
Combat animations recorded using the studio’s own mocap and a kung-fu master acting out various fighting styles. 
Can be played solo, two player co-op, as well as a new mode called Player vs World where Player 2 acts as the final boss seeking to destroy Player 1 before they become too powerful. 
High-replayability factor due to large pool of quests and world events. One cannot uncover all of the content in a single playthrough. 


Website: https://www.darkenvoy.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eventhorizondev/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/eventhorizondev
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/945770/Dark_Envoy/


Dark Envoy is coming to PC, PS4, and Xbox One late 2020.

Game: Dark Envoy

Developer: Event Horizon

Release: 2020

Genre: cRPG, Fantasy

No. Players: 1-2 (Co-op & PvP)

New Sparklite Gameplay Trailer Premiered in Nintendo Gamescom 2019 Showcase!

Take a deeper look at Sparklite, one of the games Nintendo crowned as one of the best coming to the Switch platform, with a peek into Sparkmaster Rizzle’s Workshop of Wonders and a dev vid focused on Ada, the hero of Sparklite.
Manchester, UK, Aug. 19, 2019 — During Gamescom 2019, Nintendo shined a bright light on the best indie titles coming to the Switch with the Indie World livestream. Sparklite was one such bright star and the new trailer gave gamers a glimpse of what to expect in this charming adventure. For those hoping to learn more, we’ve got a deep dive into the weapons and gadgets that you’ll use when exploring and a dev diary focused on Ada, the hero of Sparklite. Watch the all new gameplay trailer below!

Across Sparklite’s five diverse procedurally generated biomes, an abundance of mystery and challenges lie in wait and it’s dangerous to explore unprepared. With Sparkmaster Rizzle’s trusty Workshop of Wonders open in town, our hero Ada is always only a stone’s throw away from upgrading her arsenal for the enemies and puzzles that lie ahead.

From either harnessing the power of the Boom Balloon which allows Ada to quickly dispatch enemies with remote control precision, to the quick firing bursts of energy from the Spark Slinger, there’s always a weapon on hand to deal with any given situation. With Sparklite upping the ante with several challenging boss battles such as the Lumbering Titan, Timbert and his treacherous gremlins, Ada’s Rocket Boots provide her with short, concentrated bursts of speed to both avoid foes and jump over large gaps to catch that hard to reach chest of loot! Or take it up another level with the powerful Spark Blitzer which harnesses Sparklite to discharge an intense spike of energy with devastating precision! 

As well as Ada’s array of high-powered weaponry, she also has a wealth of gadgets at her disposal. From her companion, Wingnut’s enhancing Flare Bang, to Ada’s own handy Multi-Tool Wrench, Sparklite has enough tools in its box for any budding explorer come release day! These are but a handful of the weapons and tools Ada will utilize when taking on the perilous foes Professor Corwin touched on in detail in last month’s Bestiary of Brutal Baddies. 


Whilst you catch up on how you’ll be filling up your armoury in Sparklite, drop by and add the game to your Steam Wishlist where Merge Games is running a Steam wishlist promotion for exclusive content ahead of launch, including a chance to play the game early! We’re energized by our community’s excitement for the game and want to reward the fans as we get closer to the October release.

Along with this update, the Red Blue Games team released a new video in which they answered some questions about Ada, our engineer hero. Players will learn more about her in Sparklite but this dev video is a fitting introduction.

Can’t wait until release to play Sparklite and heading to PAX West in Seattle? Then be sure to drop by the Merge Games booth (#6916). Chat to the devs, play some games, and help Ada save the day! Or maybe you’d like to catch them on the “Monsters of Indie” Superstar Dev Panel on Sunday September 1st at 1:30 pm in the Sandworm Theatre in the Sheraton hotel, Seattle.

You can also keep on top of all things Sparklite on the official Merge Games Discord channel to share your thoughts on which weapons and gadgets suit your playstyle best! Lastly, you can also catch the latest from the devs themselves over on the Red Blue Games Twitter! 


Sparklite is an action-adventure set in a whimsical and ever-changing land. Battle foes in top-down action using an arsenal of gadgets, guns, and gear. Explore dangerous corners of the procedurally generated world, take down titans of the mining industry, and harness the power of Sparklite! 

Add Sparklite to your Steam wishlist - https://store.steampowered.com/app/943140/Sparklite/

Keep up with everything Merge Games at the following links;

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MergeGamesLtd/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/MergeGamesLtd
Web - https://www.mergegames.com/
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/MergeGamesLtd/



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